Not only do I share my place of living with three young boys and their father, I also have one black lab puppy, two cats, and two fish to boot. Thankfully no birds!!! Those who know me well, know that due to some unfortunate family pet allergies and weird, creepy animals taking the place of the more typical fanfare, I have come to view most animals as unpredictable creatures. I appreciate their place in our world—from a distance. I don’t normally sit down too often during my days or my nights, trying to keep busy, but when I do, guaranteed the cats will find me for a full body rub down. Sheba even goes as far as to move her head wherever you hand travels and literally head butts you into petting her. H.G. curls up in your lap and stays for a marathon cuddle.
One night, Kreton laid all curled up with H.G. and both of them were purring with contentment. If my personality could be encapsulated in an animal, it would have to be these cats, for contentment describes my general being of life at the moment. Not to mention, I don’t turn down a cuddle very readily either!
Each day provides me with more reason to be thankful. I truly feel like part of the Mulcahy family. This weekend I stayed in Blacktown instead of venturing into the City but I was still in and out of the house. As I flew out the door on Saturday afternoon, both Matt and Andy followed me to the door. I looked at them quizzically. They came in for a hug and a kiss goodbye. It’s not all love though. I often have to play the hard disciplinarian. Sometimes, I chuckle to myself because I find some of my upbringing peeking through. For instance, I insist on the boys having a healthy fruit snack before they can have a more unhealthy muesli bar or tiny teddies. Mom should be proud!
I’m entirely thankful to the reappearance of dear friends in my life. Most recently, Frances the Seventh from Austria and the fabulous Lisa of Germany have shared in the Aussie sunshine after all of us spending months apart. Part of my need to come back to Australia was to once again be a part of an international community. Sharing in cultures and perspectives widens the mind and narrows the world. Being foreign implants tastes bittersweet, though, as each of us move in our own direction forward. Dear Frances left for Thailand a few days ago before he finally lands back in his home country. This might just cause for a trip to Austria! Any excuse to travel (and that is a mighty good one)!
There is one near travesty in my suburban way of life. The nearest Starbucks is a twenty to thirty minute drive! Yet, Bucks still has its trashy coffee alluring power over us to make the trip. An impromptu visit last night, spearheaded by my boyfriend and I, brought together a group of people that I’m honored to claim as friends. We drank frou frou beverages listening to Sam’s warp speed stories and chuckling at Andy’s interpretive dance moves. Kreton tried to pass the imaginary “talking stick” because our conversations crissed cross about the circle. I even let out the involuntary snort in reaction to the jolliness of our chatter. Contentment.
Don’t you’s (Aussie lingo) worry now. I’m still seizing the day, even as I revel in current happiness. Carpe Diem, in a way, is exactly how contentment lives.
My ending this time will be a paste from an old blog I wrote at the almost end of my last trip (September 2009). It seems fitting to revisit it now:
“…Nothing turned out to be as expected, a mantra of our trip. It's almost humorous that just as I was gearing up to leave, visit New Zealand, and come home to figure out my next adventure abroad, I find something new. It is unexplainable and completely unexpected. It is beautiful how the actions of others perfectly combined to bring on a chance encounter, a new risk to be taken up. It would happen this way. The mantra still holds true, even in our last days. My life has been building toward a moment like this. I've been refined. It's kindred. It's instant. It's raw. It's grace. It's sacred. It gives hope. In the end it is about seizing the day, dancing joyfully in the moment, and perhaps taking the risk to not let go...”
I am so happy.
I miss you all. Thank you for keeping me a part of your lives even as I soak up my contentment here, dancing joyfully in the moment.
xoxo Joy!