Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Power of Presence

I’ve been plagued with questions about whether I am still blogging and if so, why I am neglecting my cyberspace residence.  I apologize deeply for my neglect but yes I am still writing, just at an icicle melting pace apparently (don’t forget it’s winter here, which does mean hibernation laziness but doesn’t equal to any icicle formation at all).  It isn’t really possible to catch up with all my activities since (gulp) May?  So let’s just cut to the chase and I’ll write down the meat of the matter-the power of presence.  This thought has been circulating my mind for some months now.  In fact, I remember telling Leah some weeks ago I would be blogging on this subject.  Well here it is my dears.
            My baby sister, Juli, graduated from high school at the end of May (and she just moved into college a few days ago….the last hatchling to fly the nest!…kind of).  My mum’s (going Australian on this one) parents drove in for the festivities from California.  After the hustle and bustle of the weekend, my grandparents and parents booted up Skype and paid me a virtual visit.  To behold their presence on my computer was a bit overwhelming for me and rendered my dear grandmother to gentle tears.  I hadn’t seen them, at that time, in over a year and a half.  It may have just been my computer reconstructing their faces and voices, but the whole experience blessed my heart for days.
            The power of presence astounds me.  It’s not even particular to the presence of people either.  Ever since I was a little girl, darkness has frightened me.  My imagination shaped every shadow into a menacing face and every noise into a threatening monster.  At nighttime, I didn’t just insist on a night light, but a full fledge supernova lamp turned on.  The presence of light brought me comfort, an assurance that a bad dream or strange noise would be greeted by cheery beams bouncing onto all my books and dolls.  I’m not too proud to admit that even now as a twenty five year old there are nights I still leave the light on if I don’t feel brave enough.  (I must add as an aside here, though, that when I’m surrounded by others who are also frightened, like the three kids I nanny for, I put on my superhero bravery and punch back big bad dark.  Funny that, eh?  When I’m called into bravery for others, I rise to the occasion.)
            I’m reminded of the power of presence whenever I see Tara after a stint of time away.  There is something extremely restful about being in the presence of someone who knows your back-story and holds significant history with you.  The two of us communicate in a special language with inside jokes and anecdotes, victories and hurts.  It’s as if there is less energy needed to be myself when I am with a good mate.  The phone or email or texts or Facebook cannot replicate the facial expressions, touch, and word combo that exist between the two of us in person. 
Another beautiful power with presence is how it can bring relaxation and pleasure even when the people involved are in the same place but doing separate activities.  Merely existing in the same room with Kreton, even if we aren’t interacting, blesses me.  It is the knowledge that someone who deeply cares about you is nearby, at arms length.  His presence is comfort, like my well-worn, well loved, deliciously warm Uggs.  During my long days, I miss the warmth of his presence.
            It has been over six months since I left for my adventure in Australia and that is officially the longest time I’ve been without seeing my immediate family and close friends.  Their presence has become a memory I hang onto.  I know they are with me in spirit (and often in email, text, skype, prayers, etc.)  It is a trust I hold between them and I, that our special languages aren’t lost but will merely need to be brushed up on when we are physically together again.  Sometimes, those memories are what bolster me up when I feel a twinge of homesickness.  They swell my heart and give me courage to forge ahead on the good path before me, even if the path doesn’t bring me their physical presence at the moment.
            There have been many beautiful times I have felt God’s presence in my life.  Dancing with my friends, laying below the immense night sky, a hug after a disheartening day, beholding an answered prayer, looking into the eyes of a loved one and the list of thin places goes on and on.  Yet, sometimes I do not feel His presence.  You all know what I’m talking about.  It is the times when I feel God is silent, when life is overwhelming and the times of heavenly rightness are few and far between.  This doesn’t mean He isn’t there.  Like with my family and friends, His faithfulness warms me and provides me with superhero bravery to punch back life’s battles. My family and friends are supporting me, helping me to have the best of life, even though it is more behind the scenes at the moment.  God, also, is working behind the scenes at these times.  I hold the memory of His past blessings and wait in anticipation for when a new thin places brings me close to His presence again.
            I’m planning to trek back to my homeland in January/February (with Kreton!). And believe me, the presence of all my Stateside loved ones will be a thin place for sure.  But don’t worry; there is much presence here that is giving my life a supernova lamp.

*Important/fun events since I’ve last blogged (in no particular order):
-Went to the circus
-Saw an acrobatic show at the Opera House
-Spent a lovely spring day at the beachy town of Terrigal where Kreton came to my rescue
-Got really into the show “Big Bang Theory” (kudos Kreton)
-Applied for and was accepted into Grad school in Australia (whether it is the best decision for me to go this next year is yet to be decided! Prayers are much appreciated.)
-Made lots of cakes for birthdays for the Mulcahy boys
-Tara’s birthday!!!!!!
-Went to the musical “Wicked” with Kreton
-Went on holiday to the Gold Coast with the Mulcahy family (yeah roller coasters!)
-Met and spent time with some wonderful people through Cityside/Shirelive
-Went to live music performed by Band of Horses, The Magic Numbers, and Angus and Julia Stone
-Walks, shopping, and exploration
-My usual Skyping with dear ones, including joining some of my uni friends for a dinner. (skype me!)

          I’m absolutely sure I’m forgetting things!  Hopefully this is a good amount of update for everyone.  As always, your updates and communications bless me immensely!  Let’s keep all of our “languages” alive people ;)
